Sunday, September 29, 2013

High Quality 12VDC Solonoid Driven Valve for Sale



12VDC Driven Valve to Help Preserve Water in Case of any probable Leakage inside Bath fixtures like:

Smart Home Group Inc. is a Group of Companies which work together to fulfill One Target:
(Techno Lifestyle Product Development and Solution Packaging)
The Group Consist of the following Companies and Entities
Smart Labs Inc.: An Entity Created for Complete Research and Development in Hardware and Firmware Level
Smart Soft Inc.: An Entity Created to Provide Total Software Support
Smart Industry Inc.: An Entity Created to Manufacture The Products of Smart-Labs to Highest Quality standards
Smart Solutions Inc: An Entity Created to Market Smart Industry Products, and To Out-Source and OEM Integrated Products that Create Complete Solution Packages.
High Quality 12VDC Solonoid Driven Valve for Sale
12VDC Driven Valve to Help Preserve Water in Case of any probable Leakage inside Bath fixtures like: (Basin or Tub Faucet Mixer, Toilet Flush gasket ++). This Device require connection to Relay Channel and Availability of Occupancy Sensing Device to Trigger the Relay output (on/Off accordingly). The Valve can Also be used for control of Water Floor Heating System together with HVAC2 Module for Cold Countries (Home Automation Control DRP System) (Motorized Shades, Drapes & Lifts) (Multi-room Distributed Audio System) (Theatre Art Speaker and Garden Hi-end Autosystem) (Specialized in Automation and A&V Industry Social)

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